same chisel which created that masterpiece "David" minus a fig-leaf, and incidently, the favorite statue to be found in the homes of thousands of homosexuals all over the land? Poor overworked David, once admired by that fame, invert with the broken nose, one Michael Angelo, now to be seen in plaster statuary shops world wide.

Leonardo da Vinci was quite "Gay" in the wine taverns of Italy, but this inventor was also a creative genius of the paint brush, viz: "Mona Lisa," "The Last Supper," etc. This great man, sexually inverted though he was, foresaw today's flying machines among his countless other inventions. Thus we can rightly conclude that many homosexuals do contribute greatly to the art and culture of this world. Certainly we cannot afford to heap only our disdain upon such illustrious names.

Today, offhand I can think of a late American Secretary of State who belonged to this Legion of Lost Men, a prominent leading pianist, a famed orchestra leader and at least two movie stars whose names in lights draw hordes to the box-office. Yes, last but not least, even a departed King of Sweden fitted into this strange pattern. Creativity and even high places frequently are bed fellows. Oddly enough there are thousands who not only do not have the accepted status of the effeminate, but possess none of the affected mannerisms nor high pitched voices usually associated with homosexuals. That manly appearing fellow walking by you now, pipe in hand, would you not be surprised to learn that he is not hurrying home to his wife, but rather to his less masculine room-mate?

Modern Society erects all sorts of barriers to inhibit normal men in their rightful release from sexual tension. Thus when a quantity of males are thrown together far from the company of the opposite sex, such as in our prisons and penal institutions, homosexualism rears its dark shadow and the graph of inversion soars to new heights.

The world of the theatre and the realm of art accepts the fact that although we may appear the same on the surface, conversely all of us are different to a degree. Marriage and perpetuation of the harrassed human race may not be the answer to everyone's problem.

To turn our backs today to the fact that a third sex does exist, has existed and will continue to exist as long as the human glandular pattern is faulty in many instances, is at best Victorian retrogression. It is an insult to lovely womanhood to insist that homos take a wife. It does not cure them nor correct a situation which they cannot help. All it accomplishes is to cheat a woman of her right to a real man.

How much more intelligent therefore it is to be tolerant of the shortcomings of our neighbors even though they do not think as we, and therefore cannot possibly follow society's more conventional and acceptable pattern?

In writing this I am not seeking encouragement for homosexuals nor am I condoning some of their deplorable activities which would stench if set out in the glaring light of day. What I do claim is, they are HERE!

The normal too make mistakes. Our papers are daily full of wife-stealing, husband-snatching cases followed by endless rounds of divorce suits, broken homes, confused little innocent children shunted from one parent to the other. None of us are paragons of virtue.

Let us therefore live and let live! It's a big world . . . there is lots of room, and if we believe in a Supreme Being . . . the welcome mat is out for all of us!